For Christmas Jenny bought me a book. 101 Dreams. Its my OBSESSION at the moment. (apart from my new Kookai Skirt, and the Solarium of course) But yes, I'm obsessed. There is just toooo much to write in it. I have a million things in my brain, but i recently started to narrow it down. I really wanted to make the first few as realistic and achievable as possible. I haven't put a time limit on these but this is what i have so far.
You can thank number 4 for the reason i even started this blog.
1. Design; Design and create my very own clothing line. From start to finish, ready for wear.
2. Fly; Learn to fly. Finish my private pilots licence.
3. Return; Return to Lebanon. Live, experience, actually get a feel for my country and its culture.
4. Make Art; Design, Photograph. Paint. Draw. Write. Blog. Let your feelings and emotions out into art.
5. Speak; Learn to speak fluent Arabic. Teach it to your children.
6. Volunteer; Volunteer for a cause your passionate about, in Australia and Overseas.
7. Explore Oz; See your own country. Explore Australia. Do it properly. Road trip through the outback.
So its not much so far, considering i have to get to 101. Sure i could have put, walk the great wall of china, eat pasta in Italy. Climb the Eiffel tower. But those things they are so, well, ordinary. I want to achieve things that will have meaning in my life. That i LOVE. That will help me grow as a person and develop.
These first 7 are the things I'm so passionate about. Art. Design. Photography. Journalism. Aviation. Travel. Learning about my heritage, in Australia and Lebanon. Volunteering for a good Cause. Helping the ones who cant help themselves. Its about Karma & Love.
I want to do something with my life that feeds my brain without killing my soul.
I haven't quite worked out what it is yet. But I'm getting there slowly. Putting my dreams on paper is a massive step in the right direction, helping me work towards them. Putting my life on paper is the exact same thing. When you can see and read over what you are feeling, what you want, what you are aiming for it helps with the confusion and the jumble inside your brain. Well it helps with the confusion inside an over-thinkers brain, like mine.
Like i said earlier. Eternal optimism is the disease i have. I just think dreams are all we have. Sometimes you need to take a chance, trust people. Trust yourself. Just let go. What is impossible? I always think. Really. What IS impossible? Because there once was a time we didn't have aeroplanes. We hadn't been to the moon. We thought the earth was flat. Women couldn't vote. Blacks weren't counted in the population. We couldn't replace a heart with surgery. Really. I ask you again. What is impossible?? What would you do if money wasn't an object. Think about it.... Just one thing.
All people dream...... But not equally..
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it is vanity;
but the dreamers of the day are dangerous,
for they act their dreams with open eyes to make it possible.
T.E. Lawrence
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